
It's been a while since I've posted anything to this page. Things are going well with Tiff and Peanut. Oh yeah, and the baby inside of Tiff. Actually, that little thing is now about 4 inches long and it's basically just that: a four-inch long person. Of course, it's skin is transparent, I think. But it's definitely alive and well.

Tiff goes in for her next ultrasound on September 4. The appointment is in the morning, so I will need to take some time off from work in order to be there. :o) This time, I think we will be able to see a better picture of the baby as opposed to what we had seen last time. I don't think we will be able to see what sex it is, but then again, I don't want to know. Tiff wants to know if it's a boy or girl. I'd like to be surprised. I like surprises, just as long as the surprise in question doesn't have anything to do with sexuality or divorce. Surprises are great. Which is why I don't usually ask for things for Christmas anymore. I don't want to know what I'm getting.

Tiff, on the other hand, doesn't like surprises. Take, for example, her birthday this past year. I got her what, in my mind, was the best gift a guy could get anyone: A singing telegram. I bet you didn't even realize they still existed. Well, they do. I ordered her a Man in a Tuxedo. The guy did a bit of a Steve-Martin-Wild-and-Crazy-Guy schtick and sang a few songs. To hear Tiff tell it, she absolutely hated it. I refuse to believe that. I can't see how anyone could hate that.

Did I mention that I sent the telegram to her office and the Steve Martin guy made sure he had everyone's attention before he made her skip around the office with him while wearing a plastic crown? Who wouldn't love that?! Anyway, my point is that surprises are good. They can be a lot of fun. Like if the baby came out dressed in a tuxedo, well, that would be quite a surprise! Till next time,



So Peanut had his first lesson last night. He did pretty well. Sue, the dog trainer, is trying to get his confidence level up and she is also trying to get his "nose off the ground." Being a hound dog, hee is instinctively trying to track things and this makes for a short attention span. It was pretty funny because as Sue was walking him around the training area, every now and again Peanut would stop and look at me and Tiff who were sitting off to the side.

I was very proud of him. He paid attention and he picked up what she was trying to do very quickly. I hope that our actual kid is as smart as Peanut! Just kidding. I know it will be. :o)


My boy, Peanut, has his first obedience lesson tonight. I really hope that this helps to calm him down. He is such a little punk sometimes!

Thinking about these lessons brings back memories of when my dog, Daisy, was going to lessons. I was in 4th or 5th grade at the time and the lessons were a group lesson. I don't recall where they were held, all I do remember is that I used to go because I used to want to be a veterinarian.

There was always a bunch of folding chairs set up near the entrance of the building, so I would have to sit there. Of course, being a slightly rambunctious kid of no more than 10 years old, I would very rarely sit there.

One night, as the class was in full swing, I started jumping from chair to chair. I miscalculated the jump to one hair and ended up kicking the chair over and landing on the floor on my rear.

The sound of the metal chair crashing onto the floor stopped the class and my mother, not missing a beat, looked up from Daisy, shook her head, and yelled, "Andrew: SIT!"

The class started laughing because they though it was pretty funny. I didn't think so.


Tiff has another doctor's appointment today. She's not going to have another ultrasound done for a little while, so I don't know what this visit will entail. I do know, however, that we are now about 10 weeks into the pregnancy and Tiff is doing well. She can eat now, a little better than in recent weeks. She has been keeping things down more often. She also hasn't been as queasy in the mornings or during and after meals. This is a good thing because this is an excerpt from a typical conversation during dinner:

She: I can't finish this.
Me: Why not?
She: I'm feeling sick.
Me: Again?
She: Yeah. Will you finish this for me?
Me: Why don't we wrap it for you for tomorrow?
She: It's making me sick. Throw it out if you're not going to eat it.
(I look to find that she's only eaten two or three bites. Literally.)
Me: Okay, I'll finish it.

Anyway, I am thinking about getting a second job. Not because we really need the money, although it would be extra money we could put away for house savings and for the baby, and that is always good. We also have some extra bills from her former insurance company and Dr. Death, but a second job would also to help get me out of the way of the Hormones.

I love Tiff, more than she even realizes, and Tiff has been really good so far; the Hormones haven't really gotten the better of her, or me, for that matter. But I know that there will be a time when the Hormones will break loose and wreak havoc on whomever happens to be within a 100 foot radius of her. :o)

The second job wouldn't be for long, maybe a couple of months until we pay off the medical stuff, Peanut's obedience (!) training, and my mentoring fee. And I feel it would be good for me to return to my roots: the shopping mall. The mall is where I worked all during college. I have some fond memories from there, as well as some horrible ones.

The mall is where I always felt I would return, if only for a little while. I liken my inevitable return to the great journey of the noble elephant: the elephant will eventually make its way to the mysterious place where they all go to die (that is, if they aren't poached). The difference being that nobody knows where the elephants go. I am going to the mall (I am also in perfect health, so don't get worried, you worriers). Till next time,
