It's been a while since the last time I've written anything! But then, there's a whole lot to tell now. Last time, the baby wouldn't hold still while the tech was trying to measure the heart. So Tiff had to go back the next week for another ultrasound. That one went well and they got the measurements they needed. The baby looks fine, they said, and is about 13 inches long. And we have a couple of new pictures of the baby, one of which looks like it's sucking its thumb.
It's still kind of amazing that the little person in there was just that little "kidney bean"-looking thing that I had written about some time ago.
The baby has been kicking and punching more and more frequently and with much greater force. I know this because now I can feel the kicks and little punches. And the other night, I felt it turn over. That's right, it turned over. And I felt it. It was weird. There was this little knot in Tiff's tummy and it moved. It was cool, but creepy at the same time! It was like there was a little monster inside!
This past Sunday I hosted a surprise baby shower at my house for Tiff. She hadn't been expecting one, really. Early on in the pregnancy she had convinced herself that she wasn't going to get a shower because she doesn't really know many people here. I had to bite my tongue because one was already being planned! So then in October I got the guest list ready and we were moving along just fine when the person who had been planning it for me said that she could no longer do it. No reason, no explanation. Needless to say, this upset me a bit. But I forged on and planned it myself.
I enlisted the help of two of our best friends, Donnie and Denise, whose help was invaluable. The hardest part was keeping Tiff off-guard and not letting on that something was up. She suspected that a shower was being held, she just had no idea when or where. I "leaked" that it was being planned for December. Then on Friday, 11-15, I took a vacation day to do all of the shopping (I told Tiff that I had been sent home early).
The shower was fun, we had a great time, and the food was excellent. We got a lot of the things on the registry and Tiff had a lot of fun opening all the stuff! We are still eating leftovers, though.
Tiff and I are going to Missouri for Thanksgiving. We will be visiting her family out there till December 2. It will be good to see all of them again. I also now know what the baby's sex is!!! The reason I decided to find out is that since we are going to be in Missouri, I don't want anyone to slip and let me know. If I had to know at all, I wanted Tiff to be able to tell me first. So we are having a GIRL. Kenzie Paige Kovacs is her name. And she loves her Daddy. She'd better!!!
Well, that's what's been going on over here. I'll write more as more developes! Till next time,
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